Arsonwave Debut Music Video Production

Posted by Embark Agency on Mar 16, 2017 11:15:00 AM

Arsonwave, a Pensacola metalcore band, recently produced and recorded their debut album and was ready to record their first music video. Several of the band members are Pensacola natives and longtime friends of Shane Mapoles, Embark Agency’s Co-Founder and Art Director, so it was an obvious choice for them to select Embark for the music video production.

Arsonwave, because of their history with Mapoles, knew that he and Embark Agency had experience in the music industry and with producing top-quality and award-winning music videos. The music video was even more pertinent due to it being the band’s first music video, which would land the impression for their first album.

The music video was done in several phases to ensure all deliverables were completed on time, on budget, and in the highest quality possible:

Arsonwave Pre-Production of Music Video “Night Terror”


To create the concepts for the music video production, Mapoles called on Destyn Patera (Director & Editor) to collaborate.

“Our goal was to achieve the feeling of a self-imposed nightmare dream-state,” said Patera and Mapoles, “We wanted to focus on the band and what it’s like to see Arsonwave play live, without distracting B-roll footage.”

Mapoles then went to Austin Owens (Director & Producer) to collaborate with the Embark Agency team and Patera on the music video production. To achieve the concepts discussed, they would need the right location and lighting. Michael Silver and Justin Carter of GlowRage agreed to provide the lighting that would convey the correct dark and light ratios. An anonymous longtime friend of Embark Agency and local celebrity assisted Mapoles with finding the perfect location.

Music Video Production & Shoot for “Night Terror”


Because of the careful planning in the pre-production phase, the video shoot went smoothly. The only mishap was one generator running out of gas. Luckily, the crew had prepared for this with a second generator to complete the shoot with no setbacks.

Daniel Rohm of Embark Agency was the first assistant at the shoot and performed live editing. This was crucial for Mapoles, Patera, and Owens to see which frames and coloring worked best. This process dramatically cut down on editing time and costs post-shoot. 

Silver and Carter of GlowRage ensured the lighting consistency was spot-on throughout the music video production. Embark and GlowRage worked together to reflect the album artwork colors and lighting. 

The music video was delivered to Arsonwave with a short turnaround time after the initial shoot, and the band gave incredible feedback to the team.

“Embark’s planning was incredible! The entire production ran flawlessly and left us speechless when we realized how smoothly everything was going. Embark did not miss a deadline or detail. We will be doing another one soon!” – ARSONWAVE

The Arsonwave debut album “Embrace Reality” reveal

Arsonwave and Embark Agency then worked together to produce a music video teaser, plan an album release party at Vinyl Music Hall, and collaborate on the release dates and promotion of the debut album and music video.

The album “Embrace Reality” is now available for purchase on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Google Play. Their debut album reached #17 on the Top Metal albums on iTunes.

The album artwork, enhanced logo, music video production, and promotion of all of these pieces were an overwhelming success.  For details of how the album artwork and enhanced logo were produced, please see our previous blog.

To see how Embark’s video production services can make the difference for your band, contact us today.


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