How many marketing items has your company spent thousands of dollars on that are now outdated or were meant for a single event or product promotion? We know all too well that one of the biggest frustrations for a CEO or marketing executive is a marketing piece you were once promised would convert and provide a high ROI but, in reality, took a hit on your bottom line. That’s where the video brochure comes into play. The video brochure is a handheld marketing product that’s flexible, personal, affordable, and combines all the best of print and video in a single format.
So how much does a video brochure actually cost?
The video brochures begin at $35 per brochure, with flexible price-points depending on quantity and packaging desired. Video cards are an investment and should be done right the first time, as they do come in at a higher price point than other mediums. Video brochures are also available in many different formats with a variety of options including the number of videos, buttons, and materials. Contact us to find out more about sizing and pricing options.
Embark is driving innovation forward in the flexible video use case method for clients across the United States. By being a video production house, we also help ensure you have the capability to upload any video you desire to your brochures, and we offer design templates that speak to your company’s brand identity and match the message of your video(s). Peace of mind is not easily bought, but with the help of Embark Agency, we can ensure you receive the greatest ROI with your video brochure purchase.
We’ve seen the most success when companies opt to order greater quantities and simply switch-out videos when desired. With a video card purchase, you can be confident knowing that your product will be multi-use for years to come.
Because of the versatility of a video card, you never have to worry about purchasing too many. Your company can use the video brochure to gain attendees for your upcoming event, upload your new video(s) to solicit to new prospective customers, or send a welcome package with an LCD video card to your new clients. The possibilities are endless.
So next time you’re in your office staring at those expensive marketing pieces or products that you used for one event, promotion, service, product, or set of clients, contact Embark to make your next investment one without an expiration date.